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Results for "keyword: "challenges""
A Rainy Day at Camp By Daniel Goetz in the KidSpirit Mysteries of the Universe issue. It was day ten of my month at Camp Pathfinder. It was day four of my first trip into the wilderness of Algonquin Provincial Park.…
Many Ways to Take Phrases that have become so common that they are considered clichés have gotten a bad rap. I can't help but marvel at the creativity and variety of expressions that probably started out as out-of-t…
The Puzzle of Life Artwork & Written by: Liz Fabiola, age 15 In life we face challenges dreams problems goals people and a million other things daily.
Submission for Salvation By Fizza Raza for KidSpirit's Fulfillment Issue In the heart, there is a sense of loneliness, there is fear and anxiety, there is regret, there is a sense of longing, all of which can only be…
I Will Sing to You Practice See yourself as a source of happiness for others. You can't "make" them happy but you can certainly affect their quality of life through your own good humor and goodwill. — Stephani…
What Fulfillment Means to Me By Nathan Zhang for KidSpirit's Fulfillment issue. There are 800 kilometers between the cities of Beijing and Kaifeng, a lengthy gap mercifully shortened by the invention of rail. What was origin…
Talking with Tomorrow's Peacemakers By Akash V. Mehta in the Conflict and Peacemakers issue. We live in a violent world filled with conflict, and we always have. But every member of every generation has a responsibility to our worl…
Does Experience Shape Our Understanding of God? By Eleanor Goetz in the KidSpirit The God Issue issue. The idea of God is different for everyone and is possibly many things even to one person. We all have different ideas of what and who God is…
A Conquest of the Skies By Ameena Naqvi for KidSpirit's The Adventurous Spirit issue. What are we searching for when we explore the unknown? Humanity's interest in the unknown is universal and enduring. Humans…
Creation in the Face of Adversity By Ameena Naqvi for KidSpirit's Creation and Destruction issue. The universe is comprised of the two fundamental ideas of creation and destruction. They are the essence of all societies, and whil…